I'm not a girly girl. I never have been, never will be. I have a few close girl friends, but for the most part, I don't trust girls. They are catty and drama-queens. I have always gotten along better with guys - they're straight forward and tell you the truth.
Apparently, however, this means that their wives (and girlfriends) end up not liking me, at least the insecure ones don't.
For instance, one of my best friend's wives has recently told someone she can't stand being in the same room with me. I've tried to be nice to her, I've even invited her to lunch to air out whatever problem she has with me to no avail. She's just dead-set on hating me.
One of our other friend's wives just recently decided she had a problem with me. The thing that bothers me about this one is that I thought she and I were friends. The four of us just had dinner together last weekend. Apparently, however, now I am a problem. The big problem is that we're all planning on going on a cruise together in November. Ought to be fun...
What is the freaking deal????? I'm sorry that you're so insecure in your marriage that you think I want your husband. Maybe if you'd loosen up just a little bit you'd see that I'm really not so bad after all. We don't have to be best friends, but we should at least be able to get along. We're freakin' adults!
Now, all of this bothers Robbie terribly, but I have decided that these women are no longer my problem. If they wanna hate me, fine. If they wanna like me, fine. I don't have time in my life for their drama. Life's too short to worry about who likes you and who doesn't. When they're around, however, I will not sink to their level. I'll simply smile and act like nothing is wrong. This is how I can tell I've grown up. A few years ago, I would've probably hit 'em :-)
Off my soapbox for now...
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2 years ago