Wow, where does the time go? My nephew is 10 years old as of last week! Makes me feel quite old. I am, however, quite proud to call myself his aunt. He is the most caring, compassionate child ever. He's always worried about hurting someone's feelings and will sometimes do things he doesn't want to do just so others will be happy.
I still remember the day he was born, and how tiny he was at only 5 pounds. I was so excited for my sister! For the first 3 years of his life, he and I were like peas and carrots :-) I saw him pretty much every day. Then I moved away to Tuscaloosa and didn't get to see him near as much as I'd like to. He started growing up and didn't like to be hugged and kissed anymore. Once I moved back, I made every effort to spend as much time with him as I could, and now he's moved away. :-( He's SO happy though. You can just tell by being around him. He is liking his new school, and he's made lots of new friends. (Though, he makes friends EVERYWHERE he goes!) He can ride his bike in his neighborhood and doesn't just have to sit inside all the time. Missing most of his baseball games next year is gonna be tough, though.

Went to visit him this past weekend for his birthday party. Had a great time, though next time I'll stay at his house so I can spend more time with him, my sister, and my brother-in-law. 
Zeke, I love you and I miss you. I'm proud of you!
I still remember the day he was born, and how tiny he was at only 5 pounds. I was so excited for my sister! For the first 3 years of his life, he and I were like peas and carrots :-) I saw him pretty much every day. Then I moved away to Tuscaloosa and didn't get to see him near as much as I'd like to. He started growing up and didn't like to be hugged and kissed anymore. Once I moved back, I made every effort to spend as much time with him as I could, and now he's moved away. :-( He's SO happy though. You can just tell by being around him. He is liking his new school, and he's made lots of new friends. (Though, he makes friends EVERYWHERE he goes!) He can ride his bike in his neighborhood and doesn't just have to sit inside all the time. Missing most of his baseball games next year is gonna be tough, though.