So, it all ends today. No longer do I care what people think or say about me. If you are immature and insecure in your own life, that can't be my problem any longer. The people that know me and love me know the truth, and everyone else can kiss my grits. If there are questions or things you wanna know, ask me. I won't lie to you!
I can be hard to deal with if you don't know me, but I can also be the best friend you've ever had.
I do have a few things that I'd like to get off my chest to a few people ('cause I know you're reading), and that will be all I have to say.
Brenda Harrison: I don't know what in the world your problem is or where your problem with me came from. We were all friends until a few months ago when you lost your freaking mind. I am NOT sleeping with Rusty. We are just friends. Me talking to him anywhere in public is none of your concern. I am SO freaking sorry that you're too immature and insecure to deal with me yourself. You have my number if you ever decide to act your age and talk to me about why you hate me so much. You can log into Lauren's facebook page and check my profile all you want. I know you do. Lauren and Rusty have both told me that you do every single night. So freaking pathetic!
Tammy Johnson: I have no idea why you ever had a problem with me. You say I'm "inappropriate" with your husband, but my personality is JUST like his. You just don't like it because I'm a girl. I am NOT sleeping with Joe. He is one of my best friends, and there's nothing you can do about that. Unlike Rusty, he doesn't let you choose who his friends are. You've never given me a chance, you just decided that you don't want to know me and you'd rather hate me and talk about me. That's fine with me from this point on.
I've tried to be nice to you, tried to speak to you. And you choose to make up lies about me. For instance (heard by me from Rusty Harrison): "Joe and Stephanie disappeared together for 45 minutes the night 8 of us went to the casino supposedly to go to the bathroom, and Robbie and I were wondering where they went." That's bullshit and you know it. Ask the other 2 couples with us if they remember anything like that. I can promise you they don't because it didn't happen. Just grow the hell up!
Tonya Hughes: I don't know if you're still involved in this or not, but I know you were at some point. I NEVER slept with Chad. Ever. The people that were sleeping with him then were friends of yours, but I can promise you I never touched him nor did I want to. You just hated the fact that I was always around. Sorry I like the races and you don't. Not my problem. Don't talk about people when you don't know what you're talking about.
Candy Sisson Boyd: I don't know if you're still involved in this either. The problem with you is that I don't even know you! Wouldn't know who you were if you walked through my front door. I understand that you always have to side with your sister, but you might wanna get to know the person you're talking about first.
Now, I'm done. I'm releasing all of my drama and hatred for you all and replacing it with pity. No longer will my Facebook statuses involve anything you may say or do. Go ahead and spread your lies and drama all around town. I no longer care.