Monday, November 29, 2010

The last week has been busy!

Robbie and I were able to go see Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan the the BJCC in Birmingham last Friday, and it was awesome!  I went to see Jason, but I think Luke put on a much better show.  Have never heard a country singer rock Enter Sandman by Metallica before, but he did!  And, because I have such wonderful friends, I was able to go backstage and meet Jason Aldean!  Quite a treat for me!

Saturday night we went to Jackson for Phillip Tidwell's surprise 40th birthday dinner.  Always good when Robbie gets to hang out with his best friends - they've all been friends since junior high school, and that says a LOT!  Phillip had no clue about anything, and we were just all the restaurant when he arrived.  It really  meant a lot to him, and we all had a great time!

Monday and Tuesday we went to Slidell to see Jenn and her family.  Karlee keeps getting so big!  She is suck a sweet baby, and never cries.  They went through a lot of heartache to get her here, and I couldn't be happier for them!  I also got to spend some time with Zeke - I miss him being here so much.  He's at that age (11) where friends are way cooler than family, and that's hard for me to take especially because we've always been so close.  I just have to realize that I've been that age too.

Thanksgiving came and went at about light speed!  It's always hectic trying to make sure you see everybody while they're in town, etc. 

And then came...The Iron Bowl.  I was so excited during the first half because Alabama looked way better than I ever thought they would.  But, they decided at halftime that they were through playing for the day and let Auburn come back (from a 21 point deficit) to beat us by 1 freakin' point!  UGH!

Came back to work today.  Had to just to get a little rest!

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