Ok, let me just go ahead and throw in this disclaimer. This post is liable to sound really conceited and vain, but those who know me well know that's not me at all.
I received a compliment the other day by one of my close guy friends, and it's probably about the nicest compliment I've ever received. I get hit on a lot, and I have no idea why. I consider myself to be average. I don't wear make-up, EVER (wore it for a brief stint when starting high school and hated it), I've recently grown my hair longer because my husband asked me to, but I have no clue how to roll it, fix it anything. It's straight, always. I'm most comfortable in jeans and flip-flops, but I can get dressed up with the best of 'em (without makeup and with plain hair, of course.) I'm a guy's girl, really. I wanna watch Alabama football and dirt-track racing, and I don't have to be all fake for that.
I DO have a fear of being fat, so I do yoga 3 nights a week, I run, and I strength-train with light weights.
Normally a woman's compliment is "nice ass," "nice breasts," blah blah blah. Because all of THAT is flattering, ugh. For instance, the other day on my way to work, passed a guy on the interstate in jacked-up Chevrolet, Georgia plates. He speeds back up to get next to me, rolls his window down, holds out a piece of paper with his number on it, and tells me to call him. What is wrong with people?!?! That's not flattering, that just makes me think you're psycho. Why would men think this is a compliment???
All of that being said, the compliment I received was:
You're beautiful and can carry on an intelligent conversation for hours on multiple levels with every genre of of personality. Some would say people instead of personality, but it's really the intellect that you can communicate with. Each of them responding to you in a positive way. That my dear, is not only great marketing skills, but in a real and honest sense; it shows your brilliance to care enough about someone else to learn enough about them to effectively communicate with them. All without asking anything in return.
That absolutely made my day, my week actually. Rarely as women do we get to hear stuff like this. That's pretty sad...
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2 years ago
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